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How dangerous antidepressants are

Recently, there has been a fascination of many doctors, especially neurologists, psychotropic drugs-antidepressants and tranquilizers. This can be explained by the fact that the usual use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for pain syndromes in the back often does not lead to the desired therapeutic effect. As a result, patients have new complaints, which include poor sleep, poor appetite, and, as a result, there is irritation about the "correct", from the point of view of the neurologist, treatment. All this causes concern to neurologists, and they add antidepressants to previously prescribed NSAIDs, as they are afraid of their patient's suicide. Moreover, doctors often make such appointments not too deliberately, without taking into account psychopathological manifestations, because they consider the cause of the mental disorder to be the somatic state of the patient. And antidepressants or tranquilizers exist precisely for "alignment sentiments."

Meanwhile, antidepressants or tranquilizers are not painkillers, but drugs that depress mental and emotional activity. The competence of psychopathological assessment is determined not only by the" feeling "and" vision " of the specialist, which are necessary in creative activity, but also by the scientific provability of judgments arising from the consideration of the mental and somatic (bodily) state. Diagnosis and prescription of drugs requires logical analysis and synthesis of all data about the patient. This provision is in principle true for all medical specialties, but is especially true in psychiatry.

The appointment of psychotropic drugs is a psychiatric care, and the patient should be warned about it... we will Tell about some side effects that occur when using antidepressants by people who do not have any mental abnormalities and do not need psychiatric help. Even if the annotation to the use of a psychotropic drug indicates that it is devoid of side effects, in the presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs, there are always restrictions in the use of such drugs. However, after a long unsuccessful treatment of pain syndromes, neuropathologists and therapists often prescribe antidepressants to patients who, in addition to osteochondrosis of the spine and joints, have coronary heart disease, liver, kidney disease or type II diabetes, as well as young people with headaches, tunnel syndromes, irritability and poor sleep. But all these aspects must be taken into account, as antidepressants and tranquilizers, which have a certain psychosomatic effect at some time interval, with prolonged use (more than six months) can lead to the following negative consequences:

The saddest thing is that the somatic (physical) problems remain and even worsen, and it is quite difficult to" pull out " a person from the disease who has lost his will as a result of the use of psychotropic drugs. And since 80% of patients in need of psychiatric help, it is not the acute manifestations of psychosis, that is, their behavior does not cause suspicion, the practitioners and neurologists with a psychiatric knowledge and is not able to assess the psychiatric status of the patient, prescribing psychotropic drugs may even aggravate the clinical picture... For this reason, obtaining a prescription from a therapist or neurologist for buying antidepressants or tranquilizers, we should think twice whether they should apply, and seek the advice of a psychiatrist to clarify the diagnosis and confirm the appropriateness of the appointment of these drugs.

If long-term drug treatment of back pain has no effect, and your psychiatric status does not give grounds for treatment in HDPE, feel free to contact the center of modern kinesitherapy, where you will remove back pain without medication. In this center you will also be given recommendations for restoring sleep without sleeping pills and proper organization of the bed (in this aspect it is necessary to deal with orthopedic mattresses, pillows and so on). Remember that good somatic health helps to restore self-confidence, strengthens faith in themselves and aligns all the emotional and volitional characteristics.

Good somatic health helps to restore self-confidence, strengthens self-confidence and aligns all emotional and volitional characteristics.